
Live and let live

Die and let die?

Who made the rules to dictate our thought processes and determine the ‘best’ course of action?

I for one, do feel like fear is not an option thus death is not a phobia. It is but an escape from the reality we live in, or at least the reality that we constructed for ourselves.

Reality is distorted to be honest. What you ingest becomes your reality, as for me, my reality is shaped by my candies from the Wise man. I see things that are not real, affection, love and care. Am I a medium? I leave that to you readers to define your own conclusion, perhaps a medium of grief?

Is it not that to live is to greed for even more? More time, wealth, possessions, and love. You greed when you own, you let go when you’re looking for company.

Company, such a nonsensical word. Living in a world of billions of other humans, yet why do I feel different, misunderstood, alienated. Is it because I could not conform to your laws? Please…do tell…


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